Please enjoy reading this from Deborah Adams, her Reiki practice has just been amped up with her two dogs that we have attuned to the Reiki. Rogue and Zion were some of our first students!! Here’s Deborah’s email to me: As we discussed…
Blueberry has always been very special to Candy and I. We have learned a lot from creatures that aren’t cats, dogs, and horses. Blueberry is so insightful. Candy wanted to choose Blueberry for the Reiki attunement because she believed it…
I am so excited to start to share these!! Last week was our first fur baby attunement class with 9 participants not including my own yellow lab Sammy Diva. We started last week with Rogue and Zion, such natural healers…
Dear sweet Bella my foster baby needs lots and lots of calming and comforting angels to surround her as she prepares to go to a furever home. I actually have a family that are good friends coming and spending an…
Animals are spiritual beings deserving of, and responsive to, Reiki attunements. I cannot express how excited I am to announce this. It comes at a perfect time. As we have been telling people at our book signings, work shops, every…
We love Rogue and his brother Zion. Zion is such the metaphysical one as well as having a great sense of humor. Mom said : Last, but certainly not least is the funny man Zion…..His session will also be wellness,…