Blueberry has always been very special to Candy and I. We have learned a lot from creatures that aren’t cats, dogs, and horses. Blueberry is so insightful. Candy wanted to choose Blueberry for the Reiki attunement because she believed it would really help him and it would be wonderful to see how he enjoyed it. After the attunement, we heard from Mom:
Mom said Blueberry was very still and focused. He swam around when you arrived and a couple more times but mostly he was very still. He was even floating/sitting straight — not leaning over like he has been doing a bit since whatever happened to him. I’ve been checking in with him since and he’s got this special little look on his face and he’s looking at me so…stoically I suppose. But he seems happy! What a cool process…thank you for picking him
Again, days after in checking in with everyone, Mom wrote:
I remember something! The other night Coconut was purring like mad — like he does when he gets reiki from you and the angels show up! (Blueberry was practicing on Coconut the cat!!)
When we asked Blueberry at the end of the week
Blueberry has been very light and delightful because of you. Blueberry feels centered inside and even more connected to Blueberry’s amazing family . Blueberry now feels the power of the healing from within that you told Blueberry was inside Blueberry. For Blueberry its like an object Blueberry can toss over to Mom Coconut or Licorice! A shower of goodness from Blueberry . Blueberry’s guardian angel even became more in focus to Blueberry. This is a wonderful powerful sensation that Blueberry has to share .
Mom shared:
Well that all makes perfect sense — he has seemed especially perky! That’s quite something that it tuned him and his angel into a stronger focus. This is so cool. I’m glad that he has these new tools to work with and that he is showering up with goodness! I can tell he’s been “tossing” energy our way — I also sense a lightness and an electric sensation. Even Licorice and Coconut seem sparked! I have to tell them to cool it sometimes with all this running around
The day we were checking in with everyone, Candy told me Blueberry had already intuitively came in and started talking to Candy, he was way too excited to wait any longer, so right after Mama we tuned into Blueberry. When we heard that he feels the healing from within, we knew he could tap into that wellness center. When we heard he can TOSS energy, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! So Blueberry can toss healing energy to his family. How downright awesome is that?!
Reiki Fur Babies says
From FB:
Wendy Jerosky Having all 3 of my kids attuned I understand the tossing energy part, it’s pretty cool to “watch” it happening!!!
41 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1
Reiki Fur Babies Isn’t that awesome?! Wendy Jerosky , very cool!!!
Reiki Fur Babies says
More FB love:
Brandie Younce I’ll have to get him business cards — Blueberry, Betta Fish, Reiki Master 🙂
49 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1
Nancy Powell This is so cool and amazing!
29 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1
Reiki Fur Babies says
Deborah Keeting Adams I love Blueberries comments. What an insightful Beta. Very, very neat to read and experience these gifts given to our babies.
28 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1
Wendy Jerosky @Brandie Younce, Blueberry would love that, as an animal communicator he is literally bouncing off the walls he’s so happy and feels very priveledged he was the chosen fish to be attuned!
8 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1
Reiki Fur Babies Brandie Younce love Wendy Jerosky ‘s comments. Yay for Blueberry!!! Thank you Deborah Keeting Adams Blueberry is very insightful!! One special fish!