All creatures great and small are all capable of tapping into that healing energy within. Sometimes we just need to help them do just that. Though animals are so intuitive , they teach me more than I probably teach them….
I love sending healing to fish. Now these beta fish are even more amazing. Each one just like all creatures have their own personalities. Blueberry and Cherry have since transitioned and now Peppermint is in the family! The three of…
When we had attuned Cherry to Reiki: this is what he shared: Cherry said Cherry realizes now some of us make our own limitations through self doubt, fear and just wanting to fit in. Empower yourself is the feeling I…
While Mom was on vacation , she wanted us to check in with her fur babies, well in this case her betta fish. She wanted us to ask him this question: Cherry: How does he like his new home? No…
For Cherry’s session: How is life in the condo? Being a master?! Does he ever reach out to the porch critters? (I swear a squirrel or two have stared at him.) And he’s much better with “bath time” but sometimes…
Request for Reiki for Cherry: Last time I witnessed an after shock where he had been on his home shelf for a few minutes but then he just flopped around at the surface and I thought he was going to…