Here’s the Archangel Attunement for the Reiki Master who already has been brought more peace and healing since the Guardian Angel attunement. During her Archangel Attunment we saw this: Archangel Uriel, and Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Gabriel… each one came up…
Follow Up on Archangel Attunement! Brings more Wolves!
A Wolf & 3 Wise Men Visit During Archangel Attunement
Does Your Pet have an Angel?
Guardian Angel Says I’m your FRIEND and Tiger Shows!
Limited Time Offer: Soul Spa!
Limited Time Offer! Give you and your fur baby a “day” at the Soul Spa! There is nothing better than pampering yourself and your fur baby for Valentine’s Day. You deserve it. Your soul deserves it and who else deserves it more but your own fur baby!