For us, this was the first time we gave an Archangel attunement where Candy did not hear from the angels but she saw a beautiful scene of serenity and so much peace around her. The Archangels formed a rainbow around her. For me, there was the Wolf. A beautiful wolf as well as a visiting turtle. Her experience is worth the read, thank you Kathy.
Dear Ones………Ming & Candy…. First of all THANK YOU for this beautiful, peaceful gift of attuning with the archangels!
I was famished after the attunement, as I always am after doing Reiki attunements…so I had to go EAT! Now that I am back in my body and it is pleasantly nourished I will share what I experienced: Of course I turned all lights out and had numerous candles lit, the last one to light was a cylindrical Angel candle and with the lighting of that one, I invited the archangels in and thanked them for allowing this special moment to take place. I also invited them to use me in any way they saw fit, to use me as a channel for their healings through me to my fellow brothers and sisters, for the animals and my vision to work more with the wildlife (I currently work with wolves) and every life form on our planet. With that, I lay down with absolutely no attachment or preconceived notion of what “should” occur……I was simply open to their Love, gifts and any messages should they choose to share. What I saw for the next 20-30 minutes I will have to draw in my journal…and believe me, I am no artist but I will try to explain it. And mind you….I eventually went OUT like a light into a very, very deep state though still mostly conscious. Shortly after lying down and allowing myself to become one with the bed, I immediately saw a man wearing a turban in the hot, dry dessert. All I could see was his face but I could tell he was riding on some type of animal towards me but almost as if it was at the beginning of some movie. Then to his side was another man with a different type of head dress….and then another man rode to their side…a larger (taller) majestic man…with a very tall turbin…….OH MY GOSH! I was looking at the Three Wise Men…without a doubt! They were all on camels, riding in silence in the hot, windy, dry dessert making occasional eye contact with me, but again as if I was looking at a movie screen. Then the scene shifted to many different sparkly colors with ancient Gods/Goddesses, I think. Tall shimmering black & deep purple columns like blue goldstone. I felt the energy from the crown chakra down… the crown was a crystal clear, faceted pyramid-type shape, but not a true pyramid; more like a huge cut crystal quartz. At the 3rd eye began a swirling, playful pink ribbon that floated around and around “me” although I was looking at “me” out of body, but not looking down upon me. We were sitting across from each other. The throat chakra seemed dull (my challenge area anyway) and was wrapped with beautiful seed beads of deep blues & turquoise with an oblong piece of aquamarine. With the heart chakra came a vibrant, neon green “fence”….no…more like a hurdle that athletes jump over…bright neon green shone through a black background and into the green light ran a WOLF right towards me, yet in slow motion. It was a white wolf but he was green due to the glow on his fur. A very knknowledgeableeeper of the wisdom. From the Solar Plexus to the Sacral chakras was a glowing gold, happy, fat Buddha laughing silently with a big, happy smile and the glow of the gold was very warming. The root chakra made me gasp—in a good way. The huge head of a grizzly bear encompassed my entire root chakra area. Bear is my life-long totem and I wear one earing of the bear paw in his honor, and a human foot next to his to symbolize our walk together. At very special times like this, when I was attuned to Reiki Master, when I was ordained two different times as a spiritual minister and during every sweat lodge I’ve done and shamanic journey…..Bear comes, but always in a different fashion. Those chakras remained engaged “doing their thing” while I was transported to many, many different times from my past that I didn’t even remember! And dang it….I can’t remember them now. It was like something I don’t recall ever experiencing. They were all good memories, but certainly ones I had forgotten about. It felt as if we were riding on a magic flying carpet and visiting all these different times simultaneously. I could feel an Angel at my right shoulder….and I was becoming chilled but I didn’t want to disturb the moment and reach for the blanket so I crossed my arms over my heart and at that very moment, I could feel and see these HUGE wings caress my shoulders to warm me. It was beautiful and I felt it was Ariel and asked if it were she…..and if it was, could you please ring a bell to let me know. As I began to get warm again they continued to take me to these places from my past. It seemed like a very long time and it was quite enjoyable but I could sense it was time for them to go. I had no clue as to how long I had been lying there but decided to come back into my body, although I really didn’t want to. I was in such a profound sense of deep peace and relaxation….and as I was just about to open my eyes…..I heard a very faint bell ring at my right shoulder. Thank you Ariel! ********************************************************** Even though reading over this I realize most of the colors I saw were dark….they didn’t appear heavy or somber at all. They were sparkling and shimmering and dancing colors but yes, they were from the darker spectrum. I admit, I had two Angels that I really wanted to meet at this encounter….Michael and Rafael…probably the two most popular. I just now looked up what Ariel is most desirable for and went OMG!!!!! She is the “Lioness of God” and she helps the wild animals and the environment! Oh you guys! That just floored me! And now I just read the manual you sent…..Ariel isn’t on there! “Oh well” is all I can say to that…..she was here and I accept. Everyone who knows me, knows that I have always had a psychic connection to wildlife. I can see animals that no one else can unless I practically take the person right up to it. I get frustrated because I think everyone can see them…..not so. Somehow they “speak” to me, it’s a clairaudient-type of connection. Well, well, well….what an experience indeed. I have many new friends to learn about now and look forward to working with them!
Thank you again and I look forward to your tips of practical ways you enjoy the archangels.
Kathy Rev. Kathy Gephart, CSI, CRM/T, HTA Reiki Master/Teacher | Natural Health Practitioner
Very Cool Kathy
It’s so astounding to see and understand the messages you get from these animals.
I’ve seen one of my power animals in several photos I’ve taken and when it made its voice heard one night and almost knocked me off the couch I just had to laugh.
Love the story!
Thanks for sharing Karen. My intuition keeps changing! Sometimes I see power animals, other times its just angels and sometimes its just my own crossed over kitty that shows up!