Our spring Reiki class consisted of 3 cats and a rescue dog named Jesse. The kitties are Indy, Beanie and Terra. It all began with someone pooping out side the box. Beanie had accidently had a bag over her head….
Some of you may know that I have been posting pictures on our facebook page. of a red tailed hawk that has been visiting me now for almost a year. This hawk appeared after my life had taken a big…
(From our FB page) Today Reiki Fur Babies is 5 years old! 5 years ago Candy and I started a blog about our own fur babies. How Reiki helped our dogs and cat.. Today we are grateful we can help…
Katie is 25 years old! What a wise and intuitive horse she is. She lives near Rudy, the miniature donkey. They were in the same Reiki class. We laughed when Katie shared about being so happy about Rudy.. Here’s Katie’s…
Blueberry is and was an amazing fish. He taught us a lot over the years. He taught us that the connection between his Mom and him was a connection so strong. He chose his Mom in the fish store. We…
As you may have heard J, Lani and I are traveling and are currently at my family home in North Carolina. I think the new surroundings have been a little strange for Lani and I was wondering if you and…