Blueberry is and was an amazing fish. He taught us a lot over the years. He taught us that the connection between his Mom and him was a connection so strong. He chose his Mom in the fish store. We loved hearing that story. And with time, Blueberry also became friends with the two cats, Coconut and Licorice. When Blueberry was attuned, he became even more amazing teaching us that he could toss the energy right from him little water condo.
While Candy and I were in Buenes Aires, I got a message that Blueberry had crossed over. We connected right away with him and this is what he shared with us. So very touching: and such a reminder that his physical presence does not have to be there to know that the love is there.
Blueberry said , Mom still swimming. Remember Blueberry swims wherever he is. Crossing was so fast and there were angles and spirit animals with Blueberry’s journey. Mom Blueberry wants you to know never forget just because you need to leave for work or life outside of our little cocoon home that the love you give Blueberry , Coconut and Licorice doesn’t evaporate when you leave. Your love, kindness and protection is always surrounding Blueberry, Coco it and Licorice. Even now Blueberry’s soul feels connected to the love from you . Blueberry was with your LOVE and of course Licorice and Coconut were close by and Blueberry was not afraid. Blueberry had the best time here with you Mom. Blueberry will forever be grateful that Blueberry and Mom made the connection and Mom you are so tuned into Blueberry.
Interestingly enough, Blueberry even showed up to help a cat client. We know that Blueberry is a healer and will continue to help the planet with his very special gift. Then just yesterday we received this gift in the mail from Blueberry’s Mom quoting Blueberry, love doesnt evaporate just because you leave. I know that Blueberry is always going to be around! Call on Blueberry if you need some healing help!
From FB:
Reiki Fur Babies You’re welcome. We love Blueberry!!!
Brandie Younce Thank you for the tribute!