Cheyenne is a wonderful healer. She was enthusiastic in her studies this week. Her Mom wanted her to be attuned so she could help with Ginger Belle’s illness. Ginger Belle is a 13 year old chow mix. The 2 of…
Keegan was wonderful to have in class. Cats are smart. Cats are intuitive. Cats pick things up fast. I knew Keegan would be a wonderful awesome healer. Keegan said Keegan was busy doing all Keegan‘s lessons on healing. Keegan would…
Nanuk and Moki Age/breed: Nanuk 3yoa Black and White Siberian Husky/ Moki 1.5 yoa Grey Siberian Husky Purpose of Attunement: To allow the boys to heal other canine friends as well as humans. To further bond the boys to me…
Nanuk and Moki Age/breed: Nanuk 3yoa Black and White Siberian Husky/ Moki 1.5 yoa Grey Siberian Husky Purpose of Attunement: To allow the boys to heal other canine friends as well as humans. To further bond the boys to me…
We have known Mimi and her Mom now for awhile. Her Mom is a talented artist and I have lots of her art on my wall. Attuning Mimi to Reiki was fun. I was sure she would take to it…
Happy August 2013! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! July was a very exciting month as we attuned two Reiki Masters! We also attuned Sammy the cat to Reiki Master as well. Sharing his picture on his certificate. The one…