We had 2 Reiki Sessions for Zoe! She is one of our newest clients. She had a tumor in her ear that was surgically removed. The first Reiki session was before the surgery: here’s what Zoe shared: She is a…
Reiki is exponential. The more you get , well the better it is. We had 2 more Reiki sessions for Molly’s seizures. During her 2nd session : Molly said Molly has courage and because Molly feels all the love and…
We received this email about Meiso the kitty: This is my 12 year old baby girl Meiso. She was born in 2003 and turned over a rescue group before she was a year old because her caretaker had a boyfriend…
Molly is almost 3 years old. She has severe chained seizures that started a few weeks after getting her. I think the Vet did not know it because they mostly occurred at night so they would have seen she peed…
we’re settling in here fine, it’s been a month. You may recall Violet has a heart condition and takes medication and does well. Tonight around 10 – about 2 hrs after her evening medication – she went outside with Saul…
Feral cats are one of nature’s great teachers. I love what they do teach us, and Ghost has reminded us for what love is to him, is to be respected, see below: I would like to know how Ghost feels…