Mom said Coco was quiet, “distant” yet clingy. ( I told Mom what Coco is doing is practicing her healing on you) We love how even through Coco’s Attunement that Coco still keeps her sharp sense of humor. However you…
Olare, our foster elephant has been evolving and not only growing physically but also spiritually. Its been an honor and a privilege to connect to her. We have been giving her Reiki every month for almost 2 years. She…
Journey, ah the name itself I’m sure is so significant to his Mom but I just love it as well. Journey is our first horse that we have attuned. He really was a very good student. He took everything to…
Please enjoy reading this from Deborah Adams, her Reiki practice has just been amped up with her two dogs that we have attuned to the Reiki. Rogue and Zion were some of our first students!! Here’s Deborah’s email to me: As we discussed…
Blueberry has always been very special to Candy and I. We have learned a lot from creatures that aren’t cats, dogs, and horses. Blueberry is so insightful. Candy wanted to choose Blueberry for the Reiki attunement because she believed it…
I am so excited to start to share these!! Last week was our first fur baby attunement class with 9 participants not including my own yellow lab Sammy Diva. We started last week with Rogue and Zion, such natural healers…