Today is a big day. My vibrant bundle of fur, my little Labradoodle Joely, turns 4. The last four years have zipped by faster than Joely bouncing from the couch to a chair haha – an event that is always a delightful spectacle in itself. The funny thing about time is how it can both creep by, but also rush past you in the blink of an eye. I recall a friend saying to me when we first brought Joely home, “cherish these puppy years; they’ll pass quicker than you think.” I remember laughing it off because at that time, my life seemed to be tethered to the rhythm of Joely’s needs, an experience that felt more like a marathon than a sprint. (I had puppy brain for what felt like months on end)
Joely, in her youthful exuberance and boundless energy, has a unique knack for transforming the ordinary into extraordinary. Watching her enjoy a treat is pure theatre. With an abandon that is as endearing as it is infectious, she tosses her little body up in the air, her fluffy coat becoming a temporary cloud in the living room. She performs this routine each time as if it were her first, bringing joy to everyone lucky enough to witness it. Then, like a seasoned actor taking a curtain call, she’ll carefully stash away her treat, only to discover it later with the joyous satisfaction of an archaeologist unearthing a long-buried treasure.
Joely is more than just a pet; she’s a companion, a fellow life traveller, and yes, a consistent source of entertainment. Who knew that a dog could be such an avid TV watcher? But Joely is no ordinary canine. She has developed a fondness for certain shows, her absolute favorite being SVU. There’s something inexplicably amusing about watching her attentively follow the show, her head tilting this way and that in response to the dialogues and sound effects. Perhaps in her previous life, Joely was a detective with a strong sense of justice, who knows? (Go Olivia Benson!)
Reflecting on these four years, I am grateful for the companionship, the laughter, and the comfort that Joely has brought into my life. She’s more than a pet, she’s family. In her own unique, quirky way, Joely brings an almost tangible sense of joy to my home. She’s my little cheerleader, my furry bundle of happiness, my tiny, unforgettable reminder of the simple pleasures of life. Her daily antics and limitless energy serve as a reminder of how life should be lived – with joy, enthusiasm, and a willingness to find pleasure in the little things.
And so, on her fourth birthday, we celebrate not just Joely, but the immense joy she represents. Here’s to the future years we’ll spend together, filled with more treats, more TV shows, and an abundance of laughter. Happy Birthday, Joely! May your days be filled with as much joy and happiness as you bring to ours.
All in all , she has part of the soul of my yellow lab Sammy Diva. The sweetness and the innocence for sure.

Happy Birthday Joely. Here’s to #4!!
Happy birthday pupper! You bring your Mama so much happiness, wishing you so many more. 💕🎂🎁
Thank you so much!!