Mom reached out to us after hearing Jewel may have hurt her front foot.
Jewel had already been attuned by Reiki Fur Babies. But it had been some time since we had connected with her.
To read about Jewel’s attunement and to read more about Jewel!
When we tuned into Jewel she shared right away what she thought about her foot!
Jewel said Jewel does not want to focus on Jewel’s foot. The cheese was a good distraction . Jewel is resting and feeling the guardian angel here with Jewel. Jewel is remembering the lessons (from the attuenent!) to handle the pain and soreness from within. Jewel knows the more Jewel helps Jewel it will keep Jewel in a calm space. Jewel knows Mom is coming home then Jewel will really relax and allow Mom to do the magic and take care of Jewel.
Got a report back this morning : Jewel appears to be back to her normal spunky self & is no longer crying out when she puts weight on her paw.