Can I schedule a session for Lani. I think her knees and hips may be a little painful for her and a shot of Ming love and angels will do her good. Lani said, Lani would like you to go…
Rogue – Focus for Rogue should again be on his hips and mouth, however I noticed he’s been limping a little on his front left let so I think he is starting to develop arthritis in the front now as…
Zion – Overall Zion is doing very well although I still worry about the urinary tract since we have had to deal with 3 UTI’s in the last 8 months so a focus on that area and on his general…
We had a couple of sessions for Buddy to help him with his separation anxiety from Mom. Buddy said Buddy is so happy that you are here. Play with Buddy. Buddy likes you. Buddy loves mom. Buddy wants to…
I love the power of social media. Its awesome to watch. I want to thank all of our FB friends and fans as well as Twitter to help get the word out about this boxer. She was abandoned by a…