Sammy was diagnosed with a mast cell tumor on his left hind leg back in December. It popped up in the course of a week. We were assured that amputation surgery would take care of the problem, however, when the…
Some of you long time followers know who Coco is. We have been giving Coco healing since she was adopted by her Mom. She is the funniest dog ever. She would have Candy and I laughing with tears streaming down…
Dawn was in Reiki Class this past week. She has such a loving soul. She was calm and just so peaceful. I received feedback from her Mom every day and she was always in meditation and taking it all in….
This was the information we received about Stella. History: 11-year-old Basset Hound, female, spayed. Lived with original owners until 3 years ago, given up to rescue because of her health issues. Lived with adopter for 3 years, then given…
Max-13.5yrs/with me -12.5 yrs-Newfoundland/chow mix(?). was a rescue dog. He is a happy easy going guy- I want to know if there is anything I should be doing for him that I am not- he is terrified of thunderstorms I…
Country: FinlandFur Baby: Ilona (Ioana at the shelter)Age/breed: mix breed, age about 5How long have you had pet?: 2 days 🙂Problems/Issues: Ilona has lived her whole life at a shelter so she doesn”t know any other life yet. Currently she…