So Mom wanted to know to have a wellness session for Monkey Boy, help him with his allergies and see if he sees her cat Kinden that has crossed over. Also if there was any message. This session made us…
Mom asked us to send healing to George, he started going to the bathroom on this faux grass. Mom said George acts like a dog, not much cat like behavior at all. George has been meowing and meowing but Mom…
Lola is Mama’s baby. We love how Lola loves to be in such a zen place. Mom said : I actually still cannot get over Lola’s sessions overall–I was re reading them last night. She is so amazing…the fact they…
We sent Mama healing energy as well and asked her thoughts on Moon Doggie moving in. Mama said, Mama said yes, Mama knows all that- new family member, new sister, blah blah blah but did Mom notice that Moon Doggie…
One of our clients emailed and asked if we could check in with “Nugget” that was at a rescue what he thought of a name change and to live with her kitties and Rachel in their home. We loved what…
My cat, Kirbe, got out yesterday and was out all day. Since late yesterday afternoon he has been in my mom’s closet, he came out briefly last night and I tried to pet him and when I touched his lower…