Happy Birthday to Licorice! Licorice is doing well. I just want to check in to see if he’s working on healing and see if he wants to tell me anything (how does he like HIS own tent?!). We have had…
Coconut Reiki session was fun. After balancing Coconut’s chakras, we directed the energy to all of his cells and gave him mental healings as well. Coconut was also given galactic reiki with the assistance of Sammy Diva. This reiki is…
Maybe ask him why he is hostile to strangers, and why he is not affectionate to anyone except Eli. Is he unhappy? What does he like best, or what can we do to help him be more happy and…
Sweet Khole and Kirbe have been our clients for several years. As Kirbe transitioned, it was wonderful to connect with Khole again. From Khole’s Mom: I was wondering if we could schedule a session for Khole. As you know Kirbe…
Beautiful Stella Luna, she was such a delight to connect and send healing to. She is so connected to her Mom as well. And like all animals tell us they are not connected to their diseases. Fur Baby: Stella Luna…
Jeremy is scheduled for a checkup of his heart along with xrays, blookwork and possible echocardiogram. You know how stress out a trip to the vet makes him.. When we connected with Jeremy, Jeremy said Jeremy is always nervous…