Mom said she noticed both dogs seemed very focused when the energy was sent and sighed with contentment! Here’s what Balto had to say about his attunement. We love that he is doing a lot of self healing! Balto…
We love how happy and excited that Spirit is with her gift of healing! Mom said she and Balto gave out sighs of contentment during their attunement. Spirit has been so excited with this gift of healing. First to…
It is so interesting to see how different animals respond to the Reiki attunements. Just like people, every one is different. Juno made us laugh, she is just so excited about being able to send healing. We got several pictures…
Beaumont is on one very special journey, rescued from being left a Mall, but now living a wonderful life with his Mom. They are so connected. Now attuned to Reiki , the connection is even super charged! Yay for Beaumont!…
Cisco is an awesome dog. We love that the Reiki attunement made him feel so empowered. He’s up there in years and what a blessing that we could do this for him. We love that he feels like a Super…
Oh how absolutely darling 🙂 I will certainly encourage Belle to practice & will keep my eyes open & report back if I notice anything 😉 Much love & Bright Blessings to all. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity &…