Yes, even Reiki practitioners need a break from the stresses of their daily lives. Ming and I took a food journey to one of our favorite cities, San Francisco. It was bliss for four days. The weather gods were working…
So I am searching my mind wondering what to blog about. Should it be funny, should it be serious. Should it be about Lucy, should it be about Sammy? Perhaps even Mochi? I come up with nothing. I think about…
I have a real pain in my butt from all the lazy dog owners out there who don’t pick up after their dogs. They treat the world like it’s their personal toilet, and they don’t bother to flush. On the…
This is one of those fun stories that turns into a bit of a nightmare. Let’s begin in the living room of our home, where my husband Gordon does his work outs. He is lucky enough to have a wife…
Just picked up this postcard and wanted/needed to share this with you. This is an amazing event. Wine, food, silent auction and more. And yes, Ming and I will be there. Star came from Boxer OC Rescue. This is…
Sammy Diva loves vacations. Why? She gets to be with her family 24/7. What joy, her Mama didn’t leave her side for 4 straight days. Can you just see the smiles? I have food, I have toys. I have with…