I heard on the news today that on Oct. 1: most dogs and cats in the city of Los Angeles must be spay/neutered by the time they are 4 months old. And its a law- the timing is significant; Wednesday is…
So on a lovely weekend morning, what do I get to do? I have an appt with the dentist. Not my favorite thing, in fact, my LEAST favorite thing. I’d rather get a mammogram and a pap on the same…
Through blurry eyes I make out the time -its 3:25 AM. Star and Kc are sitting up in their den, and giving me their little whimpers; “please wake up Mommy.” Of course being a Mom I sleep very lightly, so when…
A lot of people read that blog (Is your Lab always hungry? ) that I wrote on Sammy Diva. I think lab owners must have a similar problem. Labs just love food. I think if I let Sammy, she’d just eat herself silly….
My dogs, Kc and Star have a favorite “Little Red Dog Bed.” It’s really too small for either of them, but they love it. Many times I will find them crushed together taking a power nap in it. We…
Its only been 2 weeks and Lucy moved into position last night. In my arms she went for reiki. She’s such a smart dog. If she’s feeling fine, she’s with Daddy 24/7 playing, following him around everywhere. However I have…