Our dogs are all dressed up and ready to stay home. No, they do not go trick or treating. They just put on funny costumes and get their pictures taken. We did enter a Halloween photo contest at Animal Dermatology Clinic….
I read a great blog from a fellow reiki practitioner who is on the E. Coast. She posted a informative article from Live Science. Often times Candy and I talk about the economy, how it has affected us and our…
A couple Sundays ago Candy, Rayne and I were heading up to Santa Monica to do some shopping for Rayne. We saw the most interesting and peculiar thing. We saw woman after woman with their dogs, couple after couple with their…
Its only been 2 weeks and Lucy moved into position last night. In my arms she went for reiki. She’s such a smart dog. If she’s feeling fine, she’s with Daddy 24/7 playing, following him around everywhere. However I have…
Yes, even Reiki practitioners need a break from the stresses of their daily lives. Ming and I took a food journey to one of our favorite cities, San Francisco. It was bliss for four days. The weather gods were working…
I have a real pain in my butt from all the lazy dog owners out there who don’t pick up after their dogs. They treat the world like it’s their personal toilet, and they don’t bother to flush. On the…