Bussie was amazing talking about the distant healing that he is now able to send. His brother Max learned first and we love that Bussie calls Max the healing machine. I told Bussie’s Mom that Bussie’s comments remind me…
Raven was a wonderful student. I love that she said she’s been listening and practicing every lesson. She makes a very good point, now that she’s attuned to the healing energy, she’ll never be without it! Raven said Raven…
Licorice made us laugh so hard. We definitely have learned that every animal reacts differently to being attuned. Couple weeks ago Coconut had learned and he loves to send healing to everything. We also loved how Licorice appreciates Blueberry the…
Emma was a delightful student. She reminded me of Boxy the cat who also was very studios. Mom wrote after the attunement: Emma is acting very strange. sleeping, immobile, isolative, out of sorts, uncommunicative, a little warm nose. drinks heartily…
Mom said there may have been some negative energy in their home. She said Parker looked around like something was there. Well, Parker explained in such an amazing way. WOW, she’s not only cute but so very INTUITIVE the…
Here’s Tyyne’s rescue story. We gave her two Reiki sessions to help her. Reiki is wonderful for foster dogs, abused dogs. What we didn’t realize is that after Tyyne being attuned to the healing energy itself that she can use…