Minnie had never shown aggression before. But Mom said she was starting to. She wasn’t eating and Mom wanted some mental healing for her. As we connected with Minnie: Minnie said Minnie just feels mad, damn mad! Minnie wants…
Jeremy is a very scared personality with a severe heart condition. We are going for a vet appointment on 9/18 and I would like a Reiki session to relax and heal him after the experience.Physical issues: Severe heart disease. …
Snickers: Arabian horse, was severely abused (beaten, starved, neglected). She is healthy now but is blind. She is blind from malnutrition- she was starved when she got to the farm. She also has an injury to her left eye…
Lucky: 10 year old horse. She had a loving home and was well cared for. She is blind as a result of a fire which destroyed her home and her family gave her to the rescue farm. She went blind…
Mom wrote us about Leo: Extreme anxiety while restrained… necessary for nail and beak grooming and for vet exams. He hyperventilates, and actually faints!!! Addiction to high fat foods like cheese, and other people food. Has a tantrum when denied….
Charlie was a rescue that came into Candy’s and my life. Reiki Fur Babies foster. When Candy saw the picture of Charlie after his attunement, she teared up and the memories of finding Charlie al. came flooding back. We love that…