We love Shorty and always look forward to connecting to her. We re attuned her as well . Mom said: No problems. Just a reiki blast for my Lil Short Stuff. She was previously Reiki attuned and I want to…
I love how Ella got enrolled in class! She was talking to Keegan the cat! Here’s the story : She asked my animal communicator friend how she could be a ”reiki cat” like Keegan (her cat) is. We figured she…
Mom said: Sadee is in the midst of her terrible twos (or teen years, whatever) at 11 months old and she”s a PISTOL. Testing boundaries left and right. Rarely tired. Here”s hoping Reiki will relax her a little, at least…
We love these boys Bussie and Max. Mom wanted us to connect to all her fur babies. Mom said he”s the healthiest and lowest maintenance at the moment. I’ve been making an effort to snuggle him once a day. We…
Happy November! So many wonderful things going on this month- new moon, eclipse, 11/11 and Thanksgiving! We are so grateful for each one of you. The fairies and the angels have been happy to send you healing from our Facebook…
Daniel was wonderful to have in class. We heard that during the attunement : Daniel fell into a deep sleep at about 6:15-630 est and suddenly got up walked about 15′ from sat and stared at me for about 20…