Don’t you love it when you buy something and it really works. Well I had that very experience this afternoon. I was in my office working on some Reiki emails, etc. My hard working retired husband was working with a…
Another reiki practitioner alerted me to this article that we hadn’t seen from BRLA: Thank you Beth! What an incredible and moving story. Read on….. There isn’t a Boxer Rescue Los Angeles (BRLA – supporter who doesn’t know the…
One of our dear friends Annie turned 87 yesterday, happy birthday Annie!! And one of the first things she said was that she had wanted to send Heather who had lost Bailey recently a poem. But she thought it was…
Our dogs are all dressed up and ready to stay home. No, they do not go trick or treating. They just put on funny costumes and get their pictures taken. We did enter a Halloween photo contest at Animal Dermatology Clinic….
I read a great blog from a fellow reiki practitioner who is on the E. Coast. She posted a informative article from Live Science. Often times Candy and I talk about the economy, how it has affected us and our…
Another fun event for the reiki girls! What made this one so nice for us is that we got to take our own furbabies with us. They were dressed in their finest fur and ready to go. They knew something…