We gave a wellness session to this beautiful kitty. Mom said she has never been sick. Poohbear is pretty happy at your arrival. Poohbear keeps Poohbear’s emotions close to the vest. Poohbear is not a jumping meow-meow but that…
We learn so much from animals. When they are older, yes, they are wiser. I find it so amazing they can tell us how their bodies age like ours too. I had a wonderful friend named Phyllis she used to…
I was wondering about setting up a session for Kirbe, Khole’s brother. Recently I bought a drinking fountain for them and Kirbe has had a hard time adjusting. Prior to purchasing the fountain, the cats drank out of a bowl…
Hi Ming,I took Lola to the Vet yesterday and she has been off ever since. It was just a vaccine and check up, but she hasn’t gone in a very long time. I think with the trip across country and…
Here’s Licorice. Licorice is very funny. You’ll have to read the story about Coconut and you’ll know who Coconut is talking to when Licorice asks who is Coconut purring with? Well, remember Coconut now has his own angel! Licorice:…
Coconut and Licorice are pretty much are regulars. They are so funny and always have something fun to talk about, especially about the nature of their relationship and their relationship to Mom. We did wellness sessions on both. Coconut:…