Sammy was diagnosed with a mast cell tumor on his left hind leg back in December. It popped up in the course of a week. We were assured that amputation surgery would take care of the problem, however, when the…
Some of you long time followers know who Coco is. We have been giving Coco healing since she was adopted by her Mom. She is the funniest dog ever. She would have Candy and I laughing with tears streaming down…
We connected with Pumpkin to see how she was doing through all this intense weather. The email said: But she is such a trooper. She was really sweet last week when I saw her. I think she’s still aware of…
Request for Reiki for Cherry: Last time I witnessed an after shock where he had been on his home shelf for a few minutes but then he just flopped around at the surface and I thought he was going to…
Happy Birthday to Licorice! Licorice is doing well. I just want to check in to see if he’s working on healing and see if he wants to tell me anything (how does he like HIS own tent?!). We have had…
Dawn was in Reiki Class this past week. She has such a loving soul. She was calm and just so peaceful. I received feedback from her Mom every day and she was always in meditation and taking it all in….
2014 has been a year so far of working and coaching people besides all the healing work Candy and I have been doing. It seems like a logical progression of the growth of Reiki Fur Babies. The other day at…
Coconut Reiki session was fun. After balancing Coconut’s chakras, we directed the energy to all of his cells and gave him mental healings as well. Coconut was also given galactic reiki with the assistance of Sammy Diva. This reiki is…
I was not sure what and if there would be a chapter 6. Sammy Diva has been so busy since Chapter 5- if you missed it you have to read it before you read this Chapter. Now I defer…