After a week of Reiki class with Annie, Minnie, Sunflower and Peppermint, Candy asked them their thoughts. It was a fun week for me and getting feedback from Mom was even better as it coincided with what they were practicing. Cats are already so incredibly intuitive.
Annie said Annie feels with the Reiki attunement Annie’s inner leader is coming naturally. It was always there and learning reiki and practicing has allowed it to come into Annie. The power is within Annie. For Annie everything is a unique experience feeling Mom’s touch WOW sometimes Annie would feel an inner glow when that would happen. (Think Annie was actually surprised at how the pet felt to her)
Minnie said Reiki Master Minnie is surrounded by Minnie’s new confidence to not isolate but join the tribe. Minnie really likes healing that Reiki allows Miine to share with Mom. Annie and Minnie practice Reiki healing on Minnie. Trust Minnie’s heart’s instinct to be more open – practice practice practice practice
Sunflower (Candy felt was the smartest :)) Reiki practicing has opened Sunflower to all the internal signals. Sunflower heeds them . Sunflower was always preparing after each lesson. Practice became an advantage to learning more and feeling the rewards of the healing of reiki. Sunflower feels stronger and able to Reiki the family.
Peppermint is genuinely powerful and a Reiki Master. Peppermint can heal . Peppermint attracts positive energy and has much more confidence . Peppermint with lessons and practice found the power within Peppermint. Annie Minnie and Sunflower can feel Peppermint’s confidence now and respect is what Peppermint feels from Annie Miinnie and Sunflower . Peppermint can be anywhere now with confidence!