He had trouble urinating since last weekend. He was hospitalized , he was blocked. His had a high level toxins in his body. He had a catheter in until yesterday when we picked him up. Unfortunately, he didn’t pee at all while at home overnight so we took him back to the vet this morning. They referred us to a specialist for surgery to remove bladder stones and crystals and possibly repair of a tear in his urethra. We’re waiting for results of radiographs right now. Oso has been very upset and stressed out from being handled by strangers the past 4 days. It’s also possible stress being a big factor in him getting blocked in the first place.Please tell Oso we love him very much. We want him to stay calm and to fight to get through this. We’re waiting outside the hospital for him. Oso is my mom’s baby. She feels guilty not taking him to the vet sooner. How’s he feeling? Did he feel stressed out at home before getting sick?
Connecting with Oso:

Oso said Oso is miserable with so many strangers poking pinching grabbing and so on. Oso wants Mom to know that Oso feels Mom’s love and concern. Oso wants to go home. Oso is surrounded by these doctor vets whomever but Oso only wants Mom and home. Oso is concentrating on leaving here and going home. Mom Oso is stressing. Oso will focus on leaving. Oso does know Mom is doing everything to help Oso get better and working. Mom know Oso absorbed the love and kindness Mom showered Oso with every day. Oso is spending mind time in those places with Mom. Oso feels this loving connection to mom.
Thank you for the session. The surgeon just called me. The surgery went well and Oso is now in ICU recovering. They cleaned out his bladder from stones and lots of debris and put a catheter in place while the tear in his urethra heals. They’re sending the stones to the lab to find out what they are and prevent them from forming again. He’s going to stay in the hospital for about a week but there’s a chance we could visit him a some point