I wonder if you can fit Rachael in for two sessions next week? I found a grape sized mass in her mouth which my Vet has confirmed is melanoma. It’s in a really hard to reach spot so I’m not sure how long it’s been there and I didn’t see it until she began to have difficulty eating because it’s so large. We won’t know until surgery if it has metastasized or not. I’m praying they can remove it completely with clean margins and that it hasn’t spread. Rachael is 13 so any surgery is risky, but other than her melanoma she is very healthy so that’s in her favor. She is also a very determined girl when she wants to be.
They don’t come sweeter than my Rachael and she has become my right hand with my various fosters and is a wonderful ambassador for the breed with people who are afraid of dogs, especially Rottweilers. She is a very special, wonderful girl. My heart hurts for her and I hate she is going through this!
I know when you sent Reiki to Alexa on her surgery days her Vets were always amazed at how well she did post op and how quickly she healed up.

During her first reiki session:
Rachael said Rachael is always weaving wonderful moments into Rachael’s memory. Rachael tries to carry happiness to everything and everyone. Rachael always has perseverance within Rachael. Rachael’s imagination is Rachael’s greatest asset and this is allowing Rachael to deal with up coming Vet Dr visits. Rachael wants to conquer this mass and survive the surgery. Rachael knows because Rachael is so loved that gives Rachael limitless potential to heal quickly and be well. Yes Rachael is aware that because of this mass Rachael will be entering the zone of uncertainty. Rachael is resting, relaxing and feeling all the love. This is all getting ready for the Dr Vet vist.
Then after surgery, Rachael’s 2nd session:
Rachael said Rachael feels grateful – all Rachael wants to get at home is to be surrounded by love and kindness. Rachael was affected by all the medicine that the Vet Dr put into Rachael’s body. Rachael has been feeling unconscious for awhile , maybe a long time. Rachael realizes Mom had to take Rachael to the Vet Dr because Mom needs help to get Rachael better. Rachael feels success because Rachael could taste Rachael’s food and wanted to eat. Rachael’s body and mind feel off and not connected fully yet Rachael is starting to feel Rachael’s body and mind catching up with the other. Rachael’s only destination today is napping. Rachael feels tired and Rachael’s body needs the rest and relaxation of sleep.
From Rachael’s Mom:
Thank you so much for Rachael’s session. Shortly afterwards she got up and went outside to get some fresh air and to stretch her legs a bit and drink a little water, so clearly she is starting to feel better after her surgery. No smiles yet, but she’s showing more interest in her surroundings and is wanting pets and ear rubs in between her naps. I am sure that seeing Alexa has helped her more than we can imagine – they were so bonded and Rachael still misses her and a visit from her friend is just what she needed! Thank you for checking in on her and reassuring her and for the healing, I know it is helping her.