I never thought I would be typing a title like that! But then again by now I should never say never! It’s just that Sammy Diva told me this was the one time she was incarnating as a dog. She has too much to do on the other side.
But this past month and into August, Sammy Diva has visited me 4 times. Such wonderful visits because I can smell her fur, feel the softness of her hair and hug that wonderful yellow lab. I was very excited the first time she visited. Then she came again and again. I couldn’t tell the reason for the return. So I thought I would ask my friend Leslie (Pelican Reiki in Facebook) who taps in occasionally for me when I can’t. (Meaning the fur baby is too close to me and my own opinions and thoughts may cloud my judgment on what I am receiving). Leslie told me that Sammy Diva was Joely. My first reaction was no, couldn’t be. Just for the reason I had already stated because she said she wasn’t coming back.
I had secretly been envious of the fur babies that do come back to their families. In fact one of our clients, their newfoundlands keep coming back over and over and over! How cool is that?! I had never experienced it for myself.
But before Joely came. I did ask Sammy Diva if she would come back or send someone that was similar to her nature. I only asked once and frankly forgot that I had asked.
Joely has been with me now over 150 days. She has the “lab” in her. She’s a similar color to Sammy Diva. When I was looking for the next dog, I had no idea what I was getting. The labradoodle literally just popped in. I didn’t see any real personality similarities at first. But I realized that Sammy Diva came to me when she was almost 3. Joely just turned 1.
The most recent visit is what sealed it for me. Sammy Diva was in my dream. I was looking down at her and noticed her harness was the color turquoise! Immediately I thought to myself Joely’s harness is turquoise and literally brand new! As I looked into Sammy Diva’s face it started to MORPH into Joely’s face. I was like WHOA! I had never seen anything like that.
As I awoke, I realized it to be true. Sammy Diva was back. She is the reason I learned Reiki. She is the one that put me on this spiritual journey. The fact that she is back again is very telling. She has come at this time to be with me for a reason. No coincidences.
For those of you that just found Reiki Fur Babies and don’t know who Sammy Diva is, here’s the very first post. She’s my heart dog.
Wow, Ming!
This is awesome! We shouldn’t be surprised since you and Joely had an extraordinary connection from the start. Also, looking at the pictures, I noticed that their eyes are very similar! Leslie, at Pelican Reiki, is very good at what she does, so I definitely believe what she says. How wonderful!
Give her a great big hug from me.
Thanks Caren. That is true. The connection I have with Joely is very strong. Immediate bond the first time she saw me at the airport. I agree Leslie is very good and then when I got the confirmation from the Diva herself I could not deny it. HAHAHA. Let’s see what unfolds…..
Appreciate your comment!
Thank you for the kind words Ming! And Caren! I am honored to be a part of this amazing journey. Love you!
You’re definitely a part !
I am in the midst of a reincarnation too. It’s very interesting. My Samantha (Sammy) came back to me as Gibbs. It’s been interesting to watch but the similarities are all there.
When she was here as Sammy, she came to us when she was 8 yrs old so we only had 5 years with her. But, after she transitioned, she told us that she wanted to come back because she had never felt so much love. Well, she is back as a boy. She said she wanted to see what it was like in a boy’s body.
Gibbs is only 4 months old so we have time this time around.
Wow! That’s so cool! Thanks for sharing!
OMG!!!! Ming I´m so happy to hear this, Sammy is such an amazing and magical being who´s helped us greatly. Everything is possible in this world of ours lol. Leslie, you are an amazing channeler.
Love you all <3
Yes yes yes!