Animals are amazing creatures. Such teachers for all of us. Two best friends. One sick, the other just re united. The story sent to us below regarding Teddy and Pumpkin.
Teddy is not doing well. He’s about 16 yrs old and has been on treatment for Hyperthyroidism and IBD for about a year and a half. We never got a definite diagnosis but cancer wasn’t ruled out. He’s was pretty stable for a while but about 6 weeks ago we had to take him off Prednisone because it was causing him diabetes and shortly after, we found out he had fluid in his lungs, possibly cancer. However, he was eating well and looked pretty well even though he was underweight, until a couple days ago when his appetite decreased. I took him to the vet today and he has fluid and blood in his lungs and abdominal cavity. He seemed in pain last night. I think it’s time to let him go.

Pumpkin is a middle age rescue. He has remained semi feral and loves Teddy. He used to live with him in my neighbor’s basement but after we noticed a flea infestation down there that also affected Teddy a couple of months ago, we brought them into the house. Because we couldn’t handle Pumpkin to treat him for the fleas, we had to separate them to protect Teddy. I was recently able to catch Pumpkin and took him to the vet, where he was sedated and got a check up and Frontline applied. I was going to reunite them soon but given Teddy’s condition, I’m letting them be together for the time they have left. Pumpkin was very happy to see Teddy and wouldn’t stop licking him and butt heading him.

When we sent Reiki to both Teddy and Pumpkin in 2 separate sessions : what they shared —
Teddy said Teddy has been having issues with pain and with this body that Teddy’s soul is in . it’s a daily grind of this body not being able to find a rest for Teddy. The spirit animals are here. So many different ones allow Teddy’s soul to expand Teddy’s horizons. Teddy feels everyone’s love and kindness. The spirit animals inspire Teddy to know they will be with Teddy when Teddy soul gets to soar.
Pumpkin said Pumpkin of course is aware that Teddy’s body is causing Teddy pain. Pumpkin really likes when the spirit animals are surrounding Teddy. Pumpkin knows when Teddy is gone Teddy will embrace the freedom of Teddy’s soul. Pumpkin has an underlying connection to Teddy. It’s just the way that Teddy and Pumpkin relate. Pumpkin is aware that Teddy is suffering. Pumpkin tries to bring Teddy some relief. Pumpkin likes being able to help Teddy. Pumpkin can feel everyone’s love and concern for Teddy too.
Mom was moved to tears as to Pumpkin’s words… yes, animals are so wise. … and teach us so much.