This is part of the intake form you will see when you purchase a fur baby Reiki session with us.
Fur Baby Name | |
Lola | |
Age/Breed | |
11 years 9 months. 3/4 Maltise, 1/4 Pomeranian | |
How long have you had pet? | |
10 years 8 months | |
Problems/Issues (Please be specific as necessary for mental healing. Please note what you have tried to remedy.) | |
None that I have been told. Her fur sister recently transitioned so I want to make sure she is OK. | |
Physical issues (disease state, medications etc.) | |
Her knee used to slip out and then back into place but it worked its self out. Recently she was limping but now she is not | |
Write up to 4 questions to be asked, however please note animals may choose not to answer a question and comment on another issue. | |
Is she feelingOK that her fur sister is no longer physically here, does she understand what happened? Is she OK that me, her mom did that to her fur sister or does she think I should have done something else for her? Did she and her fur sister talk about the sickness? Is she feeling ok because I want to know how we can have fun now that we no longer have her sister physically with us. |
Reiki does help with grief. While we and fur babies too must go through the process of grief the healing does assist.
When we connected with Lola, she shared:
Lola said Right now life for Lola is in lots of peace, love and reflection. Lola sees there is so much less stress for Mom. Life comes in cycles and Fern was so grateful that Mom didn’t let Fern suffer too much. Mom is loving and kind. Lola wonders if Mom can feel or see Fern’s spirit? Lola misses Fern’s physical presence then there is Fern’s spirit helping Lola through the valley of grief. Lola embraces all the moments are living and then the surprises of spirit of Fern who stays with Mom and Lola. Mom there are lots of mysteries fro Lola and Mom to discover together. Mom let’s live in the present because its’ really a present.
The next morning we received an email with feedback :
Lola had a wonderful sleep and this AM she did not race to the living room and look desperately for Fern but rather seemed to embrace me opening up the curtains with the sun streaming in and then we had a wonderful walk. She is sleeping next to me now as I write this – Fern and I used to do this every AM so I am glad that she is here