That was the main question Mom had for Daisy. When she told me the question I could hear the reasons coming from Daisy already. She had answers for that question. Here’s what she shared:
Daisy said Daisy does not plan poop OUT. No plan to poop on nice carpets or outside dirt. It is something that just HAPPENS…. Daisy thinks maybe Mom needs a positive strategy to teach Daisy these lessons. Daisy knows with lots of positive emotional support Daisy can make progress with the goal to never (said in a very small voice) let Daisy’s body to lose the poop side the home or anyone’s house. Daisy knows that for Mom house training has many (not too many) downswings . Mom remember all the upswings too. Daisy knows Mom can help Daisy conquer all the good habits that make Daisy even more precious. Let’s do this Mom……..
So there is always not just a simple answer to questions when we talk to our fur babies.
Mom said: Just finished reading…