Feral Cats are amazing. They teach us so many lessons. I know I used to think humans may know better for ferals. But no. Not at all. Ferals are just like the rest of us. We all have our choices and desires.
Here’s a feral Mama now being cared for . She has 5 kittens. We tuned into send her healing for possible worms and to her babies.
Here’s what Mama shared:
Mama said none of this was in Mama’s life plan. Mama was free and lived passionately and survived without much effort. Now Mama realizes her babies have changed all rhythm and reason for Mama. Everyday Mama has a new task with the baby kittens. Mama does feel warm and safe here. Mama knows this eases the pressure off of life with the kittens. Mama is learning that Mama has lots of potential to be a really good loving Mama. Mama is grateful for all the effort given by Jeannette to care for Mama and the babies . Thank you Jeannette for the angels too which are now surrounding Mama with kind and caring energy.
We did a separate session for all 5 kittens and here’s what came through :
The kittens collective energy said- meow meow meow….. the kittens are doing well because Jeannette has been so kind and caring. Jeannette is also flexible that has allowed Mama to take a deep breath and let it out.. BIG SIGH.
Jeannette maintains a kind routine that helps maintain a connection with these kittens. All the positive energy is given with love to Mama’s kittens. Each now has an angel to love us forever…
We love that the Mama is able to take a breath with Jeannette’s help!