HIs full name is Cillbarra Fidelio – no date of birth just that he is born in 2007 in Ireland
He is a gelding that I bought 7 years ago. I bought him young, at start he had some compartmental problem but now he is really quiet, I can use him with children and he loved to do training with people, so I thing he is the perfect one to attune in his herd ( of all boys and majority was not gelded).
Fidelio has such a powerful and amazing energy. Quiet yet thoughtful.
When Candy interviewed him at the end of the week:
Fidelio said Fidelio felt all the sessions and paid very close attention to the lessons. Fidelio has stopped judging Fidelio against others. This attunement has been good for Fidelio because now Fidelio realizes Fidelio is master of Fidelio’s fate and captain of Fidelio’s soul. Fidelio keeps using the Reiki to help Fidelio first. Fidelio needs to be the brightest beacon and light the path for others. Fidelio knows that Fidelio can clear the obstacles of mind and body . Fidelio feels very grateful for this.
Fidelio’s Mom said he had been comforting her with a loss after his attunement.
Fidelio lives with Sapphire- you can read about her attunement.