Saul is having tremendous difficulty walking. He has to learn how to wear his hock braces but he won’t move with them on, so we’re not getting anywhere.
If he can’t walk we have to put him down. He’s otherwise cheerful, but falling every other step is making him depressed.
What I’d like to do is put the braces on him before you do the session so he can get used to this new sensation and walk with them.
Saul having trouble walking without assistance. It was time to check in and send him reiki again.
First session with Saul : he shared about how he was feeling about his body: We were hoping for a bounce back with the Reiki session –
Saul said Saul has had too many struggles with this body failing. This is no new path because for Saul its not the quantity of life but the quality of life that should matter. How much can Saul really accomplish ? Nothing. Just lay here, eat here. Mom and Dad . Saul ‘s soul is able to soar but not the body that Saul is trapped in Saul looks for new paths. There are none. Saul does they to be patient . Saul’s mind journeys into the unknown with wild freedom and abandonment . Saul’ s angel is with Saul and very loving and caring.
Then almost a week later we checked in again with Saul:
Saul said Saul tries to stop worrying about Saul’s body betraying Saul every day. Saul is up and ready to walk. Let’s go Saul is commanding in Saul’s brain… pick this body up and put one paw out in front followed by the next.. walking moving . Saul has no power over this body. Saul does realize that Saul must allow things to take their course. Saul of course is ever hopeful that some options may open up. this does not seem to be happening. Saul does not want to be causing Mom and Dad so much anxiety because of these body health issues are not going to dissapate. Saul does feel Saul’s angel with Saul always.
Two days later! I call this a Reiki Miracle.
From Saul’s Mom:
That’s half an acre. He wanted to keep walking.
I can’t believe it.
I believe in miracles and angels. Saul is both an angel and a miracle. He has given you both the power to believe, the love to endure and have faith. We are all here for just a brief time…Love makes it worth the journey. Love you Saul. <3
Thank you for the comments. Yes, he is – indeed so!