Auntie gifted her fur nephews – Reiki for Gino and Jackson: Gino had a spinal seizure last February and could no longer go potty on his own or walk. Since then through therapy and acupuncture, he sort of walks some but still cannot go to the bathroom on his own. Jackson has back disc issues.
When we connected with Gino:
Gino said Gina can tell you lots goes on for Gino. Everyone is helping Gino get stronger and Gino’s body is starting to respond to Gino’s commands. Mom gives Gino every advantage Mom can find . Gino soul is always souring and happy. Gino’s body seems to be wearing out in parts. All the love and kindness showered on Gino gives Gino lots of confidence that things will be better each day. Gino is so happy to be surrounded by Gino’s own archangel. Mom does this for Gino. Love – feels good.
When we connected with Jackson:
Jackson said Jackson is a genuine dog- the real deal. Jackson enjoys praise and treats. Jackson knows when someone sees Jackson they look beyond the obvious – “a good looking dog” and see the real complexities of being Jackson. Jackson can express Jackson pretty well too. The small things are really good for Jackson. Gino has an Archangel there and now Jackson has an Archangel too with Jackson. This is awesome for both Gino and Jackson.
Auntie replied: Jackson is the big cheese, real deal.
Reiki is such a calming healing energy for dogs with back issues.