Today has been an amazing energetic day. The energies from the eclipse have been awesome! I had a wonderful meditation with fairies and dragons.
To top of this day I received some pictures from Ghost’s Mom — and WOW! When I saw these pictures there was no doubt in my mind that Ghost was sending a message.
His last message was:
Ghost said Ghost cannot justify Ghost’s actions but Ghost does take responsibility for this life Ghost lives. Ghost is always grateful for your love and kindness just like the guardian angel. Ghost wants you to know that Ghost felt so much hope and happiness from your kindness . Ghost in on another journey that may not bring Ghost back this way again. Ghost feels the connection to you an this allows Ghost to keep moving forward in life and after. Ghost knows all these new paths yet many have not been explored. Ghost feels very peaceful and Ghost does get tired so more resting. Lots more resting.
Then again:
Ghost said Ghost has always been roaming. Ghost really appreciates the warm and loving friendship you have established with Ghost. Bringing Ghost the guardian angel was another wonderful gift you brought into Ghost’s life. Now because of you Ghost never wanders alone. Yes, this body that Ghost has been living in is old and tired. Ghost takes time with all Ghost’s movements. Age does influence our behavior and change to accommodate. Lots of challenges for Ghost but no fear because Ghost has a very big powerful angel loving and protecting Ghost here and Ghost knows in the hereafter as well.
Then again:
Ghost said Ghost feels all of your love and kindness because Ghost knows there is a soul connection between you and Ghost. Ghost always lived a very cautious life and then Ghost met you and you allowed Ghost to feel ask safe in your world. Thank you for respecting who Ghost is and to trying to trap Ghost ever. If Ghost could revisit Ghost would but it is unlikely. This is a solitary time for Ghost and that is okay. Yes, Ghost’s guardian angel is here hanging onto Ghost , helping Ghost feel loved and protected. Ghost knows you made a difference for Ghost. Be at peace because Ghost is at peace on this last journey.
Then the very last one:
Ghost said Ghost is so grateful for all of your love and care. Ghost will come to you in spirit form when Ghost leaves this body and allows Ghost’s guardian angel to lead Ghost to where all the spirit animals are waiting for Ghost. Ghost has a soul connection to you because you loved with out any restraints or limitations – unconditional Ghost’s soul knew and felt the connection . Just keep Ghost in your heart and Ghost will return to you . Keep your heart open to all there is waiting to fill it. Ghost will be with you again.
When we saw these pictures we knew Ghost had sent peace! Look to the right of the sun. Is that not incredible?
So very powerful! Such a large soul who knows his path. AMAZING communication and the pictures were “awe-sun”! ; D
So inspiring to read these thoughts from Ghost! Blessed be, Ghost!
Blessings to all involved!
Blessings to you two special ladies!! ♡XO
Thank you for the comments. Totally agree. Ghost is a blessing .