I’ve been allowing Licorice to freely hang on the balcony since he doesn’t jump off like Coconut. He did make it over to the neighbor’s balcony the other day, so I hope he understands that sometimes, if I can’t watch him, he has to be zipped up in his tent. And I don’t want him in any squirrel fights or to lose his mind if Earl shows up (Earl showed up once when Coconut was in his tent and both of them got so scared and Earl ran off). What does Licorice have to say about Earl’s visits? I always tell them I take care of other kitties because I love both of them SO much! I hope he is still practicing Reiki, especially with fireworks season coming up.
Licorice said Licorice really enjoys being outside and the changes of scenery. Licorice can sit and relax while having so many marvelous adventures. Licorice always feels refreshed and renewed energy after being outside. Mom’s new orphan Earl is a FULL GROWN man cat but Mom needs to rescue this not so helpless Earl. Licorice knows Mom has to listen to Mom’s heart and this wild – stray- feral beast cat found a way into Mom’s loving heart . The Orphan needs to stay outside and sometimes Licorice believes Earl (Can you believe Mom named the cat?!) takes pleasure in knowing Mom will be coming out so the stray wanders by to say HELLO. REALLY??!!
Licorice – well, I’m glad he’s enjoying himself outside. I bought an outdoor folding screen to keep him from visiting the neighbors since once he’s over there he can’t seem to figure out how to come back 😉