As for Kitty, she’s a rescue and has been living with me for about a year. She was a stray (maybe even a feral because she was terrified of people and exhibited traits of a feral cat) who I started feeding. Then I noticed she was pregnant and she disappeared to have her babies. I fed her for a few weeks every day until eventually her kittens emerged from under a neighbor’s deck. At that point, I took her and her kittens to a foster until the kittens were old enough to be weaned and adopted. The kittens got adopted and I adopted her.

The vets think she is about 2 years old now (she was about 1 year old when she had her kittens is the guess). She’s been an amazing addition to my family and I love her to pieces. As she grew up outdoors as a stray and still loves being outside, I let her explore outdoors except at night due to having bobcats, owls and other birds of prey in the area.
I admit that I’ve been a nervous/worried/insecure cat mama, more so over the last few months. I’ve never had a cat before and I worry that I’m not doing the right things for her. She gained a lot of weight quickly after starting to live with me. I’d been free-feeding her and I don’t know if it was her metabolism post-nursing or just the fact that she now had a steady food source, but I guess she was overeating. I stopped free-feeding her and since then, her weight hasn’t gone down and I keep changing her food, second-guessing what and how much I should give her. Dry vs. wet. What kinds of meat. Protein contents. Carb contents. There’s so much info around that it’s hard to make sense of what’s right for her.
She seemed to be doing ok – vomiting on a couple of occasions but that’s it. Now though, she’s had diarrhea recently for a few days a couple of weeks ago. Then it got better. Then last night she had diarrhea again, and I’m wondering if I’m feeding her things that she has intolerances for.
Due to the diarrhea, I took her in to the vet for some testing. The did a stomach x-ray on her and said that her spleen was enlarged and they couldn’t tell something about the colon and want to do an ultrasound on her (scheduled for Friday). I really want her to be healthy and my nerves are really getting the better of me. They also did bloodwork and said that her kidney marker tests were a bit high too.
Kitty said Kitty, yes that’s me! Kitty said what a good name for Kitty . Kitty does not want to spoil the challenge for Mom or ever “insult” Mom’s loving, kind family. Kitty does like to roam and see all the beautiful things around. It feels like joy inside for Kitty. Mom should relax and not anticipate all the possible outcomes for Kitty. Kitty is filled with love and gratitude for all the love and kindness Kitty feels at home. Yes, Mom, Kitty can feel the guardian angel too you have brought home to surround Kitty with even more love.
Hi Ming, I did, thank you so much! I burst into tears when I read it 🙂 I will write you a proper email with my thoughts as soon as I’m in a quiet place to do so but again, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you helping her.