Violet is one our regular clients. Mom wanted a Reiki session to help stimulate her appetite. What is really interesting is how Violet talks about food. She realizes that she wasn’t excited about her food. We told her the importance of her eating and to keep her healthy. We learn so much from the animals .
During her session: this is what Violet shared!
Violet said Violet has this gut feeling that Violet need to become more excited about food. Its gnawing at Violet that food is just not that necessary of or interest to Violet. Violet needs to have more confidence in Mom and Dad and their experience with food and life They go together and Violet has to turn that switch on. Widen Violet’s horizons to how important this message is. Violet needs to EAT. This is so evident to keep Violet healthy. Violet must live this way, that food helps Violet stay strong and beautiful. Violet this is your motivation to eat and Violet you will become strong and even more beautiful. Now Violet your perspective will begin to emerge Eat- health- strength and beauty.