Emma had moved to a new home, we did a Reiki session to see why she was confused. Sounds like she has adjusted now. Below is what Emma shared during her Reiki session.
Emma said Emma just wants to feel the same. not confused. Where’s mom? Gone. home gone. New home, still trying to remember where this is because its different than the home Emma knew. Emma is trying to understand why its confusing right now. Don’t be mad at Emma. Emma is sorry because Emma is just trying to navigate all the new things going on inside and outside Emma. All this new landscape for Emma sometimes overwhelms Emma . Please keep loving Emma it will get better. Poor Dad with Emma and Emma’s messes. Emma knows this new home is nice and Emma wants to calm down and stop behaving like indoors is outdoors and Dad has a voice . Emma can hear. Rest, relax, breathe .. okay okay repeat, rest, relax, breathe.
After the healing,, we heard back:
Emma doing better – confusion all gone
we figured out the revolution is what made her confused
there’s a herd of 14 deer that live in our yard and the fence guy is coming tomorrow so they’ll have free reign, I was worried about deer tics.
she went down the deck steps today no problem, ate every bite, took her meds, now watching the deck get powerwashed.
All good,
thank you so much!!