Emma and Saul have been our long time clients. They were moving. Boxes every where and Mama said they were freaking out and for us to connect to them. Read what they shared when they found out a pool was on its way!
Emma said Emma does know some of this anxiety, fear and panic is being absorbed from Mom. Emma wants to help Mom and be loyal . Emma knows sometimes this makes Emma the receiver fro ALL this panic- Then Saul absorbs some of all these unsolicited emotions – sorry Emma needs to stay inside Emma. Stay centered and keep he calm wisdom that is Emma’s within. Emma can guide Violet and Saul to this peace, calm island and just let it in because Emma’s angel has been working over time to help harness Emma’s wild emotions . A pool?!! are you kidding?!! Emma wants a pool , okay , Emma can stay relaxed till Emma is at Emma’s beach.
Saul said Mom & Dad are getting Saul a swimming pool. Saul needs to relax and turn the attention to Saul’s amazing birthday present . , a pool. yes, Saul will let Emma and Violet play in Saul’s birthday pool. Saul is savoring the whole idea of Saul’s pool. Saul loves loves loves loves Mom and Dad because this is the best birthday present EVER. Saul will chill about the move, slow , and long deep breaths. relaxing in the deep end of the pleasure of Saul’s thoughts . This is very very relaxing , VERY FANTASTIC and great too. Maybe don’t put Saul’s name on the pool because Emma & Violet need to be considered. Saul and Mom & Dad will know its Saul’s birthday present pool but no one else, just Saul.
Still all vibrating about a pool and their swimming jackets! Now we have to direct the energy to the pool installer who is very backed up! Thank you as always, they are always so much better after your Reiki magic! xoxo
HA! Sara, love that about them. They are so cute!