This is Gospel. I would love to find out and help him with his nervousness. He’s always been more jumpy and spooky that our other horses.
So my questions would be:
Why is he nervous about things.
How can I help reassure him.
And this last question has nothing to do with his nervousness but I’d love to know if he remembers running with the wild horses several years ago, before I got him if that is something you can get a feel for.
I’d love to be there when you guys work your magic if at all possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Night before Gospel’s session:
Hi Ming, when I went to the pasture tonight to feed the horses, gospel gave me a big joyful Nicker. He is always super friendly and always the first one in the barn but I don’t know that I’ve ever heard him give me a big Nicker when I showed up to feed in the evening. I believe it was his way of thanking me for the Angels you guys sent today!
When we connected with Gospel:
Gospel said Gospel takes a different view on things and this may cause the challenges or nervousness within. Gospel had a different journey and that seems to remain with Gospel (he’s referring to his wild horse days) Gospel wants to take the correct steps and Gospel resolves to become more peaceful within. Gospel’s DNA may be serving up these nervous reactions at times but Gospel can overcome and look around at the peacefulness and take the opportunity to RELAX. (emphasizes this ) Gospel wants to thank Mom for the guardian angel that is here with Gospel making Gospel feel cared for. Surrounding Gospel with love and kindness , this is very calming.
After the session: we heard back:
Wow meeting, so awesome! It is so interesting that you mentioned his DNA. He is half thorough bread, and thorough bred’s definitely tend to be more sensitive and aware of their surroundings! Thank you thank you thank you. Can I ask you if you happen to know the exact time when you started? I was observing him the whole time and I’m curious to see if what I saw lines up with what you guys were doing.
This is so COOL: Hi Ming, I observed that at 1:06 his ears flipped forward and he started licking his lips. When a horse is licking his lips, that means he is processing information. He then stood with his years flipped forward and licking his lips often on for the next 20 minutes. Normally, if he had just been napping in the barn, his ears would’ve been just relaxed, at half mast and his head would not have been up like it was. You are welcome to talk about Gospel in your blog. I am going to go on a ride tomorrow, and I will let you know if I observe any changes in him. It’s very exciting to know that he has his own angel who will be with us!