Macy was such a sweetheart of a dog to attune to Reiki. Here’s her story:
I adopted Macy from a rescue group in 1st week in February 2010.
The rescue group guessed her age to be about 3-4 months at that time (which based on puppy teeth loss etc, was pretty accurate)
Not much info about her – she was a single puppy at the shelter
10/22/2009 (Birthday I gave her)
She is 6 years old.
Her DNA testing came back as 50% Doberman and 50% German Shepherd (I would say it is spot-on accurate)
She is very, very submissive to Lola & Jax
She is excessively people friendly. (big kisser and snuggler)
She is very fearful of other dogs that she does not know.
When we connected to Macy to ask her about her experience, we love how she loves seeing the angel!
Macy said Macy really had to pay extra attention to every lesson. Jax and Lola helped Macy whenever Macy needed help. Macy is optimistic abut having this energy healing. Macy believes this will help Macy develop a stronger sense of Macy (she said ‘self’) Macy really had to avoid all the distractions during lessons because Macy loses concentration. Macy takes time now and considers everything . Of course Lola and Jax are always there to support Macy. Wow, Macy feels wonderful with the angels here just for Macy. Macy’s guardian angel here for just Macy. WOW WOW WOW.
After the attunement: Mom said :Macy is such a big love to everyone – so not surprising she loves having her own angel. She is easily distracted – no overly seriously – so does make sense that she had to make an effort to pay attention.