Over the years time and time again, animals with diseases have taught us that they are not connected to their diseases as people often are. We received a request to send healing to Duke and ask him his thoughts on the chemo and if he was to continue. Duke’s message is very enlightening just as Candy’s boxer Ry said after stopping his chemo (in the Reiki Fur Babies book, you can read about Ry)
He successfully completed chemo for intestinal cancer and they just found out it came back.
“Dear Duke,
Mom and dad here. We both hope that you know how much we truly do love you. As well we are wanting to know if you have lived a happy life and feel our love?
We also hope to grant your wishes, in regards to treatment, do you want to go through anything more or just live your life?
Duke said Duke feels Duke did everything everyone wanted. Horrible for Duke but it made everyone happy and hopeful. Duke is NOT this cancer. Duke is not this body. Duke has a big loving SOUL that is connected to Duke’s family. Duke wants the freedom to live , eat play , be happy without all the shots, pain. Stop for Duke let’s love without any conditions. See how liberating this feels- Unconditional love has NO limits s o if this body ends, Duke’s soul will always be with you. Please believe Duke. Duke is so grateful for this BIG amazing angel that was given to stay with Duke. How powerful this is for Duke.
Duke’s parents were very touched by Duke’s message and the connection they have soul to soul is something that can never be broken