The story begins here:
Emma’s beloved breeder and my dear friend is struggling with late stage cancer and they are closing their kennel – her dogs were in Westminster and Crofts – they’re gorgeous
They want to give us Violet, 2.5 yrs old, gorgeous, congenital heart problem but is fine on meds.
Step one, I need to know how Emma and Saul feel about this. Emma got all vibratey and happy, Saul got depressed (he gets little boy jealous)
This is a wonderful story that is still continuing on.. Emma and Saul , the newfies were asked what they thought of if a new family member joined their pack. When we connected with Emma and Saul they both had wonderful things to share:
Emma said Emma feels real sorry for Mommy And of course sentimental about how all this sadness will effect Emma, Saul , Mom and Dad. Emma understands wanting to keep tribe together and helping Mommy . Emma has been sending healing to her and doing all Emma can to help Mommy courageously to deal with a body of pain. Emma does realize Emma is part of a family and this decision is not for Emma but for Mom and Dad because they will take the essence that will entail adding another member to the tribe of Emma’s family . Emma knows family is motivated by love and compassion and whatever is decided will be best.
Saul wants Sauls family to be whole and happy. Saul knows there are serious issues out there and Saul wants to implore Sauls family to take an interest in Violet but let’s keep the focus on Sauls family. Saul knows everybody cares but Saul wants Mom, Dad and Emma to remember that “our” family is deserving of a collaboration of what is best for Saul, Emma, Mom , Dad and Violet. Mom has so much compassion for all that mom sometimes forgets that the healing begins at home. Saul can feel the fear that everyone has without knowing what to do. Mom and dad have the knowledge to know what and how to deal with Violet . Saul and Emma are here to love and support those decisions.
Then we had a session for Violet:
Violet wanted to give her Mom her angel, it was so sad but we told her we will give her an angel of her own so she could keep her angel…
Violet said Violet has to be strong with so many changes and sadness all around. Violet needs to keep up so Violet can have confidence that things will be okay. Violet is aware that Violet will be on a journey soon. More confidence needed to explore the pathes coming. Violet does not want to wander in misery and knows there is love and kindness here and more waiting for Violet. Violet needs to be patient with Violet and all the others around who are helping during this difficult transition. Violet wants the angel to stay with Mom and care for Mom and keep her safe, loved and protected.
The day came to pick Violet up. She had to leave her sister behind and there were gun shots heard which scared her. It was a long 6 hour drive to her new forever home, so we got an urgent request for a session for her: Violet shared:
Violet said Violet feels lost, afraid and sad. Yes, the angel is here comforting Violet and Sara is so nice to Violet but Violet is not with Violet’s pack, this is a loss. Violet needs to get to Auntie Em and Saul. They will help care for the pain. Violet is in a car leaving childhood, puppy hood and all that behind. Then all those explosions really made the trip more frightening. Inner voice says it will be fine, Violet will be safe. Angel is here with lots of angels calming Violet a little . Journey into the unknown with love hope and some fear. Violet is tired. Maybe sleep will come.
later in the day we heard from mom:
Thank you so much hectic homecoming, Saul scared the bejeezus out of her with his “enthusiasm “! Everyone laying down panting now. She’s been a kennel dog her whole life.
Several days later, as Violet is adjusting: we received another request for a session:
Here’s the good. she’s starting to play with Saul who can’t figure out what she’s doing. She defers to Emma who is clearly the alpha mommy.
She is attached to me like Velcro, I can’t even go in the bathroom and talk to her thru the door. If I leave the house she howls and gets frantic. She won’t go in the backyard even with Dad and both dogs unless I go with her.
I have to go back to work tomorrow!
She eats but not on the current schedule, we’re working on that.
We talk about sister Pinky who is going to a lovely home – Violet is most sad at night and in the morning when she realizes Pinky is not there.
she won’t cuddle with Emma and Saul but they are quite willing.
When we connected with Violet we sent her mental healing : she shared:
Violet said Violet fears Violet’s “new” family will be moved away from Violet soon. Violet wants everyone to know Violet does not take anyone for granted. Violet knows there are no guarantees for Violet and this makes Violet fear and afraid when Mommy Sara leaves Violet’s sight. Violet is trying to be brave and Em is so kind and Saul is Violet’s pal yet Violet still can’t relax. Em keeps calming Violet with energy and Violet tries to concentrate on this healing but fear interrupts .. relax be calm.. break the cycle, what?? Mommy is leaving??!!
we reassured her that her Mom is only going to work to help people and will be back. Her pack is home with her, Emma and Saul.
Mom wrote later that night:
definitely better – I went to the drugstore for 30 min and she was better, Don said.
spending less time chasing me
thank you!
We know Violet will be fine.