How long have you had pet? | |
16 yrs | |
Problems/Issues (Please be specific as necessary for mental healing. Please note what you have tried to remedy.) | |
He turned 16 years old today. His cognition maybe going down. He sometimes takes a bit to recognize me when I come home. I have put a lavender around his collar to keep him relaxed and happy. Does he like that? | |
Physical issues (disease state, medications etc.) | |
His legs are getting weak and he cannot keep standing on the tile without slipping. He has become deaf in the last year. His eyes seem to be getting bad. Vet said he has a slight heart mummer. He is not on any medication. I have been giving him glucosamine and other supplements for 7 years. | |
Write up to 4 questions to be asked, however please note animals may choose not to answer a question and comment on another issue. | |
How is his health and how can I help him? If he is showing any uncomfort, please heal him.Is he happy and what’s his favorite things/food?What does he want me to know?
Any messages you can receive from him is much appreciate it. I will be holding him and keeping you in my thought at 3pm. |
when we connected with Blacky, his soul was just pure JOY. We sang happy birthday to him and then he said :
Blacky said after hearing us sing Happy Birthday… to him, Blacky said, Blacky is embracing today! Blacky feels the lavendar has mystical powers and Blacky loves that Mom is making Blacky so powerful because Mom recognizes Blacky’s strength. Blacky likes all this happy stuff. Blacky gets to feel nurtured so much because of Mom . Blacky likes the food Mom feeds Blacky when Mom sometimes cooks it and shares with Blacky. Blacky is having another good day and now Mom gave Blacky a big guardian angel to focus all the love and kindness on Blacky. Wow, pretty wonderful Mom!
Blacky’s Mom shared: Blacky was asleep during your session, but he woke up around 3:30 and came to sit with me.
One question: Did he say or seem to be in pain? I’m concerned with his weakening legs. I know it’s a part of aging process, but if there is anything I can help him, I would like to do that. I will definitely keep the lavender around him.
He is indeed a special soul, and I am so very blessed to have him for the last 16 years.
I will let you know how he does with angels you sent for him and with the session.
Thank you and blessings to you.
We shared how animals are not attached to their diseases like humans are. Blacky was just so happy. Then she wrote and said :