Does she know what a Reiki Master is? And does she want to be one?! That and now that the weather is better and she is going outside after the long winter, we want to see if she is still liking the idea of staying closer to home. I have a “TrackR” device on her collar linked to an app on my phone. It doesn’t seem to work very well. But she seems to be more of a home girl. But when she IS outside, she could have fun being a Master! And she is taking care of Pops when he is stressed, so thank you, Pumpkin!
After balancing Pumpkin’s chakras, we directed the energy to all of her cells and gave her mental healings as well. Pumpkin said YES to being a Reiki Master!!
Pumpkin was also give galactic reiki with the assistance of Sammy Diva. This reiki is on another plane and will continue to flow to Pumpkin! When attuning Pumpkin to Master, I told her it was all by thoughts and intention . Pumpkin caught on quickly.
Pumpkin said Pumpkin is exposed to NEW thoughts and new ideas every day. Pumpkin would enjoy the challenge to learn more and have the opportunity to share more. Pumpkin is always very watchful and uses all Pumpkin’s senses to observe what is going on all around Pumpkin. Pumpkin has been happy at home because Pumpkin knows that Pumpkin likes to be close to relish the relationship with Dad. Pumpkin feels relaxed and peaceful much of the time. Pumpkin likes the new path that is now being laid out in front of Pumpkin, helping, healing. First Pumpkin, then Dad, then B, then those birds who Pumpkin can hear , then the house, then the food and on and on.