Reiki session for Ilona & new baby:
From Mom:
Ilona is very stressed because the arrival of our newborn boy. Was overly exited and happy when I came back from hospital and very curious about the baby. But now I thing she is stressed as the baby cries and I haven’t had time to be with her just as much as before. I also think she might feel left out because of my having less time with her, as Ilona is not the same even with me when I’m with her shortly without the baby.
Physical issues (disease state, medications etc.)
She has the habit of stressing with her stomach. So now started to have runny poop and now she is also throwing up. We try to get it calmed down with nutritions and other things we can, but getting her calmed as she usually was is troubling as the stress causing this is our child (and he of course will stay).
Write up to 4 questions to be asked, however please note animals may choose not to answer a question and comment on another issue.
Hope to get her understood the child is ok and his screaming is nothing to be afraid of. He will grow and in the future years hopefully be good friends with Ilona. Tell her I’m sorry I don’t currently have as much time with her as before but when baby grows this will change back again 🙂
Even before the session, we heard back, angels doing their work:
It’s not yet the session time, but just letting you know Ilona is a bit better. Still has runny poop, but she needs to get outside less than before. And hasn’t thrown up today at all. And she is again eating some food. The nutritions and arrangements in our apartment (so Ilona won’t be most of the time at the same room as the baby and having her listen to radio to lessen the volume of the crying baby) seems to be paying off 🙂 Feeling better about her now, and I’m interested what she’ll share in the session about her situation 🙂
When connecting and sending healing to Ilona:
Ilona said Ilona feels so much compassion whenever the baby cries. Ilona wants to smooth and help comfort the baby and feels stress because Ilona is helpless. Ilona listens to every sound is every sensitive to the new baby. Ilona wants to protect the new baby and needs a way to feel useful. The constant change has Ilona always on guard ready to protect. These are Ilona’s automatic responses. Ilona needs to keep hearing the baby is fine! Candy told Ilona thank you , patience will see everyone through this new beginning together, Ilona said
Thank you! I did get that expression from her, when we arrived with the new baby, that she has strong mother-like instincts. Shame that it also caused her to be worried sick. Now that I know how she feels, I can show her the baby more often (and not worry she’ll just stress by seeing it) and just tell her the baby is fine. Hopefully we’ll get her stomach back to work soon with this and the nutritious tricks we are already trying.